Living on the Island.

Talk to us.

Living in another country is not always easy, especially if it is your first time being away from home. We as an internship provider want to do everything in order for you to feel comfortable here, working with us.

Team work is the biggest part for our dive center. We want to welcome you with open arms, and if there is anything you need (special) help with, just let us know and we can figure out a good solution together, as a Team.

Because in the end: Team work makes our dream work!

Living expenses.

As an intern you have the option to eat breakfast and lunch at the dive center, or the hotel on working days. Therefore, you only have to think about buying food or groceries in the evenings or you days off. Depending on you, you should plan in between 30 and 100 Euros per week regarding food.

The housing itself also depends on you. If you decide to live in the hostel La Tortuga nearby, you should plan in up to 500€ per month for accommodation. Depending on your lifestyle and expectations you can find apartments for more or less money as well.

For all courses (excluding Dive Master) you will have to pay a 95€ PADI fee. This fee goes directly to PADI and will cover the costs of your e-learning and Certification. The rest of the money will be for to the dive center to cover your course fees, however, you as an intern will get a 25% discount of that money.

Prices for you as an intern:
Open Water Course:                            316,25€
Advanced Open Water Course:         271,25€
EFR:                                                        166,25€
Rescue:                                                   361,25€
Deep Specialty (40 Meters):              166,25€
Nitrox Specialty:                                  166,25€

For the Dive Master Course, the PADI fee is a bit more expensive. It includes a crew package for 180€ and next that 100€ for your application form that will last one year.
Dive Master: 562,50€ + 280€ PADI FEE = 842,50€

What is there to see on Tenerife?

Even though the island itself is not super big, there is still much to see and explore around the island. Since Costa Adeje itself is the heart of Tourism it can feel good to get out and see something else.
Depending on what you feel like doing, you can decide between, going to the beach, going on a hike, or maybe go see Santa Cruz, the capital city of Tenerife.
The easiest way to do so is rent a car on your days off. With a car you can get basically anywhere on Tenerife.
If you feel like going to a beach, it can highly be recommended to not only check out the different beaches around the south, but also go to the north to see some big waves.
In case you decide to rent yourself a car, you can easily drive up to El Teide and go on various hikes on your way up, or on the volcano itself! Further it is best to take a car to check out the capital, Santa Cruz.

Die Vorteile eines Praktikums bei One Two Dive.

Gehe tauchen
Praktika können manchmal eine Herausforderung sein. Tauchen ist eine gute Möglichkeit, für eine Weile von der Welt abzuschalten und den Kopf für neue Ideen frei zu bekommen.
Entspannte Atmosphäre
Wir lehren Sie alles in einem in entspannter Atmosphäre bei, Schritt für Schritt. Egal, ob es um das Tauchen geht oder um Aufgaben im Zusammenhang mit der Universität. Es gibt keine dummen Fragen.
Erstaunlicher Standort
Wir befinden uns in Costa Adeje, im Herzen des Tourismus. Zu Fuß zum Strand, in der Nähe von Supermärkten, Restaurants und nur 2 Minuten von der Bushaltestelle entfernt.
Bequemes Büro
Unbegrenzt Kaffee, Snacks, ein bequemes Sofa und eine Mittagspause unter Palmen. Klingt nach einem guten Arbeitsplatz? Willkommen in unserem Büro.
Umweltfreundlich?! PADI Green Star Auszeichnung
Die PADI Green Star™ Dive Center Auszeichnung wird an Tauchbasen und Resorts verliehen, die sich durch eine weite Reihe von nachhaltigen Unternehmenspraktiken auszeichnen: Sparsamer Umgang mit Wasser und Strom, umweltfreundlicher Transport, Nutzung nachhaltiger Verbrauchsmaterialien und Beiträge zum Umweltschutz im Rahmen des Project AWARE. Die Green Star Auszeichnung zeichnet Tauchzentren aus, denen die Umwelt am Herzen liegt und die an deren Erhalt aktiv beteiligt sind.

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